SuperRepo Kodi Installation Guide • • • • • • • • How to Install SuperRepo Kodi on Krypton Version 17 or Higher • Launch the Kodi application and click on the “Gear” icon. • From the list of options, select “ File Manager”. • Here you will see a list of repositories. At the end, click on the option called “ Add Sources”. • A box will pop-up on your screen
15 Jul 2020 * has No affiliation with Kodi, any Addons, Repos, or Builds. is a Click the Add-on Package Installer Icon at the top left. Click Install from zip Won't even install from super repo. Reply ↓. 1 Jun 2020 Some mega repositories, such as the late SuperRepo, include broken TV addon versions. We avoid these when possible, though exceptions vous propose ce tutoriel vous permettant d'ajouter des extensions et depots sur Kodi XBMC pourr. (ou add-on) à installer, super bien, mais j,ai. Update: T2K Repo is installing but you will get the error which is the home to multiple T2K Builds, such as Fladnag Super Lite, The 3.2.1 Install Kodi for Android from the Google Play Store. ▫ 3.2.2 Install 3.3.1 Install SuperRepo choose to complete action using the “Package installer” tool. Here are some addons which are useful for KODI. Addon Installer, Fusion Repo, plugin.program.addoninstaller- Repo / Media, SuperRepo, SuperRepo - Self, Another 3rd party market. .. is worlds largest Kodi addon repository containing over 2.000 addons! It has some special features to make your multimedia center the best there is.
Installing the SuperRepo addon repository in Kodi offers you free access to over 5.000 addons for free! On top of that it enables you to browse the addons you like on the website and install them all at once! Watch the video or scroll down for a step by step description.
Dans Kodi, ajouter le dépôt avec le menu Système>Paramètres>Addiciels>Installer depuis un fichier zip, puis sélectionnez le fichier précédemment téléchargé; Dans le menu Système>Paramètres>Addiciels>Installer à partir du dépot, l'item Dépôt Québec devrait maintenant apparaître. Cliquez dessus.
First, download the Kodi SuperRepo Zip File from here, and then follow the steps below: Open Kodi and head to the “Add-Ons” Menu. Click on the Package Installer Icon on the top left corner. Select the “Install from Zip File” option. Navigate to the Zip File you downloaded earlier. It will be named “”